Lonely and Empty, Indirectly Proportional

by - November 05, 2014


It's always been to loneliness, for what I faced.

Pernah ngga sih, lo ngerasa ada saat dimana lo ngerasa empty―hampa, di dalam kesendirian. 

Rasanya aneh, percampuran antara kekosongan dan kesepian. I don't know how to put those feelings into words. Rasanya seakan dunia berputar begitu lambat, dan kita dituntut untuk melaluinya dengan cepat. I don't know what I'm saying, and I know that it's really weird.

So, this is how it feels to be lonely---black and blank.

Lo ngga tau harus ngapain, harus bagaimana, dan lo hanya bisa memandang pada kehampaan. Sesekali bertanya pada diri sendiri, how can I get out of this all?

Terkadang, lo bingung. Bingung, kepada siapa harus menceritakan keluh kesah, gundah hati, dan perasaan, karena orang-orang hanya menganggap lo itu kayak udara. Nyata, tetapi tidak terlihat. 

Orang-orang hanya sadar akan keberadaan kamu di saat mereka membutuhkan sesuatu. Di saat seperti itu, mereka menganggap kamu penting. Dan di saat semuanya selesai, komunikasi itu pun ikut selesai. Secepat mereka datang

When you feel lonely, you just want to be alone. With silence. You don't know what to do. Just, stand still. Sometimes, you might feel the urge to cry, but the tears can't out. Only silent sobs. And no one gives you a shoulder.

When you feel empty, you just wondering. How do you get out of this emptiness? What should you do? Why if people still not aware of your appearance? And other negative thoughts will fulfill your minds.

Sedih, memang. But I reassure you, I through this too, I feel this too many often and still going on.  I believe, I will find someone who clicks me. Someday. There must be still a chance for me, for us, to get out from this all.
It's just about the time that you'll find better days.

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